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Nice Elastoquick Sport Elastic Bandage Self Adhesive Green 7.5 cm x 4.5 m

Nice Elastoquick Sport Elastic Bandage Self Adhesive Green 7.5 cm x 4.5 m

Regular price 99 kr
Regular price Sale price 99 kr
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25 in stock

  • Betala med kort, klarna eller faktura
  • Lagervaror skickas inom 48 timmar
  • Fri frakt från 1000 kr

Snögg Elastoquick Sport Elastic Bandage is an innovative and high-quality self-adhesive bandage for athletes and active people. This green bandage is 7.5 cm wide and 4.5 m long, which gives you the opportunity to use it on different body parts and for different purposes.

The Elastiquick technology gives the bandage a soft and pleasant feeling against the skin while providing maximum support and stability to the area on which it is used. The bandage is made of elastic material that follows the body's movements and provides a comfortable fit.

The self-adhesive function means that you can easily apply and adjust the bandage without having to use tape or other fixing agents. The bandage stays securely in place during activity and can be easily removed without causing any irritation or discomfort.

Snogg Elastoquick Sport Elastic Bandage is the perfect choice for athletes and active people who want a bandage with maximum support and comfort during training and competition. It is easy to use, has a high quality construction and provides maximum support for the area in which it is used.

28 g

Fraktkostnad & Leveransinformation

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